Cultivating diversity since 1990

Once upon a time there were two young boys…

…who lived in a small country town in the province of Bergamo, united by a sincere friendship and deep respect for one another. ADRIANO and FABIO, as they raced up and down the country
oads on a Vespa 125, little did they know that “destiny” would have united them in an extraordinary adventure. Time went by and their different experiences unfolded: their studies, their careers, their lives. The turning point came at the end of the 1980s…
Read the entire You Magazine article

Perhaps few people know that Emmebi Italia was initially born out of a strong need to address a shortage of natural professional products designed specifically to ensure the wellbeing of the scalp and hair. Having gained experience as salesmen for a local company operating in the world of haircare products, which allowed them to develop a high level of sensitivity to what the consumer – the market – required, FABIO and ADRIANO’s dream of pursuing diversity grew stronger and stronger. The desire to express a different concept of beauty capable of combining precise values: quality, simplicity, respect and uniqueness. A dream that became a tangible goal: to guarantee maximum efficiency and professionalism in the world of hairdressing, offering topquality products that respect people and the environment.

So, they decided to set up their own business, establishing Emmebi Italia in 1990 and creating their own brand. Its foundations are based on a shared vision: cultivating diversity, enhancing the authentic beauty of people by creating unique professional lines inspired by the most beautiful and authentic thing we have in this world… nature. “Inspired by nature”, the company’s official payoff, reminds us of the fundamental importance of constantly turning our gaze to this ancestral muse, with whose pure energy we must connect, every day, always. We originate from nature and we must return to it. This concept of beauty is expressed in the diversity of every Emmebi Italia line: every one a unique creation in terms of type, history and personality.

But how is this diversity cultivated and celebrated?

By paying increasing attention to the search for the finest natural raw materials, with the knowledge that we can draw vibrations from nature in order to feel good about ourselves and others in a simple, unique and transparent way. Every line developed by Emmebi Italia is a unicum that embodies a particular type of beauty, a representation of every heterogeneous and irreplaceable individuality. And this concept is naturally expressed in the personalisation of the packaging, which is always exclusive for each line, original and characterised by its own simple, artistic, multi-faceted and emotional personality. Because diversity should also be celebrated in colour and shape, in an image that tells us a story and which, in doing so, is able to move us: the story of a product, of a creation, of a line designed to do good and to make a difference.


In addition to friendship and respect, the fact that Emmebi Italia is self-made is one of the elements that has given it such solid foundations. Never forgetting where we come from and how much progress we have made over the past 30 years of activity ensure two things: the first is that we always remain humble and never behave as though we’ve “made it”, but continue to strive to achieve new goals; the second is that we are keenly aware of the work done, the projects completed and the success achieved.

How much fatigue has it cost you and how much pride do you feel today?

ADRIANO ANSWERS: “Zero fatigue. I never forget where I come from: I worked in a factory until I was 24. Then, since that March of 1988, it has always been pure fun for me (not to say that there haven’t been any difficulties). However, I consider myself very lucky: even today I still get an enormous amount of pleasure out of what I do every day”. And the secret, as FABIO emphasises, lies precisely in this: “never feeling as though you’ve made it. Even just thinking about it would risk it all falling apart. Fatigue? A lot, the same as for everyone who works. But if you’re lucky enough to love what you do, then you don’t notice the fatigue. Pride? A tremendous amount, and not only in all the products we’ve created, but above in the people who work with us and in our splendid premises, which I always find to be absolutely beautiful”.


Adriano and Fabio’s ideas were clear right from the start of their great adventure: to make Emmebi Italia a “different” company, characterised by strong and authentic values, capable of expanding, branching out and being transmitted in a constant virtuous circle involving everyone in the company, whatever role they play. ADRIANO SAYS: “I believe that Emmebi Italia is living proof that democracy can exist within a company. We have the utmost respect for one another, which allows for the acceptance of differences in character and in the way we do things, and we always get the chance to say exactly what we think. This approach has become deep-rooted in all of us and it “infects” everyone who joins our family”.



The first great success came in 1993, when Fabio and Adriano were the first in Italy, in the sector, to enrich the formulas of their products with Vitalized Water with Mineral Treatment, a line of treatments for the wellbeing of skin and hair. A couple of years later, they introduced the emotion of colour.

“In a world that pushes increasingly towards standardisation, with the inevitable loss of all those shades of diversity that make people unique and irreplaceable, is there anything more magical than colour to make the chords of our emotions vibrate again?” asks FABIO, casting his mind back to those moments. The need to respond to this desire for uniqueness gave rise in 1995 to Zero35 Color, the new line of professional hair colouring products with and without ammonia: the perfect alchemy between creativity and nature. The name Zero35 Color reflects the world from which Emmebi Italia originated and which has always been close to its heart: its beloved home city. Zero35 is in fact the area telephone code of Bergamo, the city the company wishes to symbolically export all over the world.

The natural evolution of this successful line came a few years later, in 2015, with Bio Etic Color Oil: vegan colour par excellence, designed for the most sensitive scalp, based on three precious essential oils: chamomile, calendula and argan.


According to Adriano and Fabio, many people today, and society itself, attach little significance to the value of things. As far as they are concerned, embracing solid and precious values is undoubtedly one of their greatest strengths: friendship, respect (even when you have different opinions) and freedom are the values they hold dearest. But what drives them most is passion: only passion is always able to generate new energy. Without it, it would be impossible to work with joy, determination and continuity, always looking to the future, facing both the radiant moments and those that aren’t so easy that every company encounters along its path, with the same intensity and spirit. Fabio Ricci’s description of the company is evocative: “Passion with a capital P is at the heart of everything: not only one of the most important values in work, but a sort of anthem of life that accompanies everything we do every day. I am a committed sportsman and I think that sport has taught me a lot: lessons that I often use as an example in my work. Sport is about sacrifice, perseverance, commitment and even suffering if you want to achieve results. You can engage in sport in two ways: for sport or for passion. Doing it for sport is restrictive and boring, while doing it for passion is exciting and exhilarating. This concept can be extended to all human activities, including professional life”.


In 2015, the company underwent a complete makeover, designing a fully green environment in which an obsession with style and detail is evident, as is an unconditional love of nature. A bright and environment, populated with references
to the outside world, embodying a philosophy that is the lifeblood of the company: “We believe it is essential to let nature surround us, support us and inspire us, even while we work. We also want to communicate our love of the world and sustainability through our premises. The lichen that inhabits the space transforms it into something alive, exclusive and authentic. It lives and breathes with us”. And that is exactly how it is: the lichen that lives in Emmebi Italia’s premises feeds on the space and the energy around it, drawing everything it needs to live, drinking from the moisture naturally present in the air. At the same time, it supplies nourishment to those who live and occupy that space every day, in a continuous and profitable exchange, also conveying that touch of natural luxury and elegance that only design in perfect synergy with nature can embody.


“Enhancing people’s authentic beauty”: this is one of the main aims of Emmebi Italia. ADRIANO says “beauty is that thing that gives me a positive feeling when I come into contact with it. It is in everything: in a gesture, in a thought, in a shape… in nature”. Authentic beauty, not artificial, not aimed at perfection but, on the contrary, emphasising the difference that is the true beauty ofthe individual.

FABIO: “It’s hard to describe beauty. Beauty is everything that attracts us and is present, especially in the simplest things. According to the classics: “Simplicity is the greatest tribute to beauty”. We would like to make it accessible to everyone through a basic combination of the simplicity of nature and the intelligence of science. That’s why we strive to create our products, packaging, media and ideas through a simple, pure, fascinating form of beauty, but always making it different so that we can stand out. Or at least we try”.

But in what way and using which tools can it be enhanced?

ADRIANO CONTINUES: “Firstly by using excellent quality products, but also through the use of active ingredients that have the least possible
impact on people and the environment. Lastly, thanks to the choice of unique packaging and enveloping fragrances, which are able to draw the user into a dimension of complete well-being”.


Although FABIO says that there is still a lot to be done to further consolidate the domestic presence of Emmebi Italia, as outside observers we can say with conviction that the brand really is on the crest of the wave in Italy, precisely because its products offers genuinely state-of-the-art solutions. It would be interesting to know how it is positioned abroad, and ADRIANO immediately satisfies our curiosity: “Our strength has always consisted in building big dreams for the future. So, when the challenge of conquering the world presented itself, we accepted it. Since 2003, we have been passionately and dedicatedly serving the export market, where the excellence Made in Italy that our products represent continues to be held in the highest esteem in the fashion and beauty sector. To date, there are more than 30 international importers of our brand, and this number is set to grow further. The export market currently accounts for 41% of Emmebi Italia’s total turnover. Moreover, in the period immediately following the post-Covid reopening, we launched four new partnerships in France and Spain. Yes, we can be truly satisfied with our restart!”


Having mentioned Emmebi Italia’s products, how could we not want to knowmore, especially about those that are considered to be the star lines? We agree with ADRIANO, though: “It’s hard to choose a favourite among your children…”. But then the choice is made, and the answers of both partners coincide perfectly: “We are particularly proud of the creation and launch in 2017 of Beauty Experience, formulated with the extract of the slime of the ‘HELIX ASPERSA MULLER’ snail, considered to be among the most valuable in cosmetics. We were among the very first in Italy to have used this precious ingredient, used by the ancient civilisation, in hair products. Rich in active ingredients such as elastin, collagen and glycolic acid, snail slime moisturises, nourishes, rebuilds and protects hair. And then, in 2020, came the BioNature rituals: a new philosophy in haircare inspired by the biodiversity of our planet and the purity of its ingredients, embracing the world of phyto holistics to offer natural, highperformance solutions to hair and scalp anomalies”. Emmebi Italia’s research continues, and we should not be surprised if these best-selling products are joined by others. But the surprises don’t end here: in the coming seasons, the company intends to open up to the world of hairstyling.
Could they be thinking of a complete collection?


Emmebi Italia has come a long way in these 30 years of activity, always respecting its origins – of which the company is very proud – of genuine, hard-working and creative Bergamasque tradition. An important heritage, which is constantly being poured into future plans, “lots of plans” FABIO and ADRIANO take pains to tell us. “As far as products are concerned, we are working on an innovative PPD, resorcinol and ammonia-free colour range. Communication is also an urgent priority to make the brand increasingly recognisable and “different”, as well as creating a technical-artistic team with fashion collections that are all of our own. We are also strengthening our online training with trichology webinars, which have already been scheduled for the whole month of November and are very popular with hairdressers. We are also going to endeavour to cover the whole of Italy with an extensive distribution network and to implement the right strategies to allow us to expand even further into the world. Lastly, our dream is to increasingly develop a community of professionals who can identify with the concept of “Luxury Green Salons”: a new frontier in which the hairdresser’s salon is clothed entirely in an innovative concept inspired by nature, luxury and elegance, in harmony with the simplicity that guides all our actions”. And of course, at the basis of everything, is a constant faith in what leads to innovation through a continuous and authentic exchange with the people that Emmebi Italia meets along the way. And in doing so, the company banishes all presumption because, like nature, it knows it has the potential to evolve infinitely.

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