Emmebi Italia’s family

A Company whose strong and authentic values expand

Since the beginning of their adventure, Adriano and Fabio had very clear ideas: making Emmebi Italia a “different” company whose strong and authentic values expand, branch out and spread to anyone arrives in the company, no matter the role.

Emmebi Italia is a democratic company where people are respected for their different personalities and roles and can always express their opinion.

This approach is deeply rooted in all of us at Emmebi Italia and involves anyone who arrives in our family.
Adriano Vecchi
Adriano Vecchi CEO and Managing Director
“If you can think it, you can do it. Limits only exists in the mind”
The best ideas come from a visionary mind. When they arrive, Adriano does not let them slip away but activate his contagious passion to realize them. Just one flaw, though: he expects every idea is realized like… immediately!
  • Favourite music: U2, Tiziano Ferro, Vasco Rossi
  • Favorite movie: Will Hunting Genio Ribelle
  • Favorite sport: Tennis, calcio, golf
Fabio Ricci CEO & Italy Sales Manager
Sales are made of 70% by emotions and 30% by desire
this is how Fabio presents Emmebi Italia’s products to our partners. The specific story of a product, the attention to details and the accurate selection of the raw materials are all factors that make the product purchase experience unique. Between a protein bar and a team of two at Crossfit, he is the fittest boss in Bergamo.
  • Favourite music: Michael Jackson e U2
  • Favorite sport: Crossfit e tennis
  • Motto: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” [Cit E. Roosvelt]
Fabio Ricci
Laura Vecchi
Laura Vecchi Marketing Manager Laura spreads Emmebi Italia’s soul all over the world turning each product into an extraordinary story to tell not only with beautiful pictures and videos, but also with events and workshops in our headquarter. She is a ball of energy, as much as the vitamins cocktail she brings with her every morning: her contagious and unique laugh can be heard everywhere in Italy (unless she gets up on the wrong side of the bed).
  • Favorite book: “With or without you”, “L’arte della Persuasione”, “The Alchemist”
  • Favorite music: Kahalid, Mooglii, U2, Zucchero, Colplay, Otis Redding
  • Hobby: listening to the “The Small Business Big Marketing Show” podcast and travelling far away
Massimiliano Zoccarato Graphic & Product Design When details make the difference, Max is in: he can transform initial ideas into final amazing products. He perfectly knows how to enrich the packaging of each product: from the shape to the shade, from the materials to the logo. Nothing is decided by chance. Just be careful not to disturb him when you hear high volume music coming from his door: the genius is having a peak of creativity!
  • Favorite book: “The last letters of Jacopo Ortis”
  • Favorite music: Urban Latin & Hip Hop
  • Motto: “life doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.”
Massimiliano Zoccarato
Alberto Marchetti
Alberto Marchetti Purchasing Manager Young, yet senior in his role: for the past 10 years, indeed, he has been coordinating all the supplies for the warehouse making sure the products availability constantly meets customers’ demand. Should a product of your order be out of stock, then you know who is responsible for!
  • Favorite sport: Football and tennis
  • Favorite music: Rock
  • Movie – TV series: Romanzo criminale, Prison break
Silvia Paleari Administration Manager Precise, meticulous, know-it-all and multitasking: Silvia has an answer to any question. Should someone have a problem in Emmebi Italia, the answer is always: “Ask Silvia”. She is 100% a problem-solving person. You can reach her any time, 24h a day, Saturdays included. Even if she is riding among the mountains on her Kawasaki Versys, indeed, she will catch the call through the intercom in her cask.
  • Hobby: motorcycle, needlecraft, do-it-yourself in general, singing
  • Favorite book: 1984 by Orwell
  • Motto: “don’t let oxide the iron inside you.” [Cit Mother Teresa]
Silvia Paleari
Romina Pezzotta
Romina Pezzotta Accounting Manager She must make ends meet. Nothing eludes her. She sums up each expense and wants to know the reason of each cent spent. However, her mathematical strictness as accountant is balanced with her unexpected love for cats.
  • Favorite book: the Kite runner
  • Favorite movie – Tv series: Fried green tomatoes, un posto al sole (Italian soap opera)
  • Favorite music: 80s, Depeche Mode, David Bowie
Erika Forlani Italy Administration Executive Workaholic, impeccable and fashion addicted: Erika has always been the iconic voice of the company. She is the one who answers to your calls and welcomes you in Emmebi Italia with her last fashionable dress. Neither her high-heeled shoes can slow her down, she is always running making sure the orders arrive to their destination!
  • Favorite music: Eros Ramazzotti
  • Hobby: dancing
  • Favorite movie: Pretty Woman
Erika Forlani
Valentina Colleoni
Valentina Colleoni Export Sales Executive Valentina is the Adventure woman of the company: when she is not working with her typical precision and determination, she is for sure exploring a part of the world. She shortens the distances between the company and the rest of the world answering to customers and making sure their orders get them. The curiosity and the desire to experiment are in her DNA, so don’t try to brindle her: without her freedom, she can be a real fury!
  • Hobby: contemporary art, reportage photography and backpacking
  • Favorite sport: trekking in Nature
  • Favorite authors: Murakami, Tiziano Terzani, Fitzgerald, Isabel Allende
Loris Zanchi Sales Representative Elegant, helpful and very knowledgeable. Loris is the most pleasant and the calmest agent, always ready to support our beloved hairdressers keeping them updated and sharing useful and valuable information. His kind and polished manners during work days pours out in the weekends when he adventures on the mountains with his trekking backpack and poles.
  • Hobby: any kind of sport, mountains, and any card game
  • Favorite book: “Vendere fa schifo” (Frank Merenda)
  • Favorite movie – Tv Series: The Intouchables (2011), Breaking Bad
Loris Zanchi
Daniela Defendi
Daniela Defendi Digital Content Creator & E-commerce Customer Service Holistic wellness-oriented and driven by a vital productivity, Daniela makes sure to share with you any tip that can enhance your unique beauty. WARNING: if you follow her tips to the letter, you can become irresistible!
  • Hobby: anything holistic, nutrition and personal growth
  • Favorite book: “Il monaco che amava i gatti” (Corrado Debiasi)
  • Motto: when the time and the place are right, things happen. Everything comes when you are ready to receive it. Then you can either turn it into an opportunity or into an obstacle for your own growth.
Luca Vecchi Warehouse Manager Luca perfectly fits the saying “the early bird catches the worm”. Very early in the morning, indeed, he starts rushing around the warehouse to assure the orders are shipped all over the world on time. Outside the workplace, though, he slows down his pace fishing on a stone.
  • Hobby: fishing
  • Favorite sport: football and Inter team
  • Favorite movie – TV series: Shawshank Redemption , Friends
Luca Vecchi
Luca Marchetti
Luca Marchetti Italy orders Manager If you cannot find him at first gaze, look better among the pallets: he is probably hiding himself to escape from his colleagues. In truth, however, he is the calmest person of the company and can hardly say NO. He helps always with a smile on his face and prepares with grace and care all the orders to ship around Italy.
  • Favorite sport: football and Inter team
  • Favorite music: Ligabue
  • Favorite movie – TV series: The Gladiator, Yellowstone
Daniela Mantovani Biologist, Trichologist, Naturopath, Trichologist Trainer Trichology is not for scientists only, but for anybody who wants to understand, learn and commit to a balanced lifestyle. Her mission is to put the hairstylists in contact with modern trichology through the Phyto-holistic cosmetics to bring more wellness and value into their salons.
  • Motto: education and innovation are an essential duo. We cannot think that what was done in the past is enough to progress in the future. She believes continuing training courses should be a priority for an hairdresser.
Daniela Mantovani
Vania Bellato
Vania Bellato Brand Ambassador & Technical Trainer Her motto is “a day without a smile is a day wasted” and this is exactly how she welcomes the hairstylists during her technical trainings. Committed to be a holistic wellness voice during the week, she spent her weekends walking, reading or meditating in Nature.
  • Hobby: meditation, Nature, enjoying time with people, spread beauty and smiles
  • Favorite sport: Wellness Walking
  • Motto: a day without a smile is a day wasted! “Never stop learning or you won’t evolve as professionals”.
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