
Sodick K Series

The K series comprises two models: the KK1C-S model is a manual machine, while the K3HN model is equipped with CNC control and an automatic electrode changer.

These machines are specially designed to perform microholes on hard materials; the ultra-fast running speed allows a much faster process than conventional methods.

They allow high precision even on very hard materials such as hardened steel or tungsten carbide using tubular electrodes with diameters from 0.25 mm to 3.0 mm.

The particularly compact design allows the user to save space in the production environment.

The use of patented non-combustible dielectric (VITOLS) enables a high degree of safety to be achieved in all processing conditions.

Specifiche tecniche

Technical Data K1CS K3HN
X/Y/Z axis travels 200x300x300 mm 300x400x300 mm
Table dimensions (WxD) 250×350 mm 400×450 mm
Permissible table load 100 kg 200 kg
Dielectric tank
External dimensions 50 50
Load capacity 150~420 (EROWA ITS) 2000~570 (EROWA ITS)
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